How To Build Muscle Naturally

The other day I was thinking about what makes the difference between someone who has been going to the gym for the last 6 months and has experienced massive gains
compared to someone who has been working out for the past few years, but never
really had much in the way of results.  By the way, check out this No Nonsense Muscle Building review for the best muscle building plan that has proven to add 20 lbs of muscle in only 4 weeks.

Coincidentally, while I was thinking about this, I also had a pot of boiling water
on the stove top as I was getting ready to cook spaghetti.  I started to think about
what it takes to make water actually boil.  And then I thought about what the
difference is between water that is simply hot, and water that is boiling.  Right as
I was getting ready to drop the spaghetti into the water, it hit me like a ton of
bricks.  The amount of energy that it takes to go from hot water to boiling water is
very slight.  In fact, it is only 1 degree.  If you think about it, water is hot at
210 degrees Fahrenheit, but once it is heated that 1 extra degree, to 211 degrees
Fahrenheit, everything changes including the physical composition.

This is a good metaphor if you have ever worked your tail off in the gym, only to
see minimal results or hit a plateau that you just can't seem to work past.  For
the majority of us, we know everything that we are supposed to be doing, but for
some reason, the results just aren't coming the way we think they should be.

Now, there are many possible reasons for this, maybe we could be working just a
little harder, or maybe we aren't as in tune with our diet as we should be.  But,
the conclusion that I finally came up with was that little extra bit that sets the
super successful person apart from the average Joe is all mental.

I would say that the majority of people don't realize just how much of an impact the
words we say or think to ourselves have on our results.  Let's take the word "try"
for example.  It seems like a harmless word, right?  Besides, when we were growing
up, as long as we tried our best, we were o.k.  The problem lies in the mental image
that you form when you tell yourself that you are going to try.  Here is a brief
exercise you can do to really understand this.

Close your eyes and imagine there is a brick wall in front of you, which is about
waist high.  Now, if I was to tell you to push on that wall until you are able to
push it down, what happens?  In your imagination, you are able to see yourself
pushing the wall down, right?

Now, if I was to tell you to go ahead and try to push it down, what do you notice? 
Most people will notice that when they TRIED to push it down, they imagined
themselves exerting lots of effort, but not succeeding.  Unfortunately, this doesn't
only happen like this in our imagination, it manifests in our real-life results.

So, if you want to take your results to a whole new level, I recommend that you stop trying to do things and just do them.  That simple shift will magnify itself
over the course of time and prove the be the difference that made the difference for
